Tuesday, January 10, 2012

detailing maintenance?

after 1 year plus i detailed this silver arrow, i've been thinking to do some touch up
therefore i think i can do things like removing water marks from wind screen and to restore the headlamp back from yellowish

as the picture shown, water marks, after a surface condition test using water

some water marks
overall condition looks good
this is a 50/50 test, left side using ONR, right right, normal cloth wash for comparison
water draining speed different as well
yellowish headlamps
some of the dirty parts

when cleaning with optimum power clean

after cleaned
picture of after cleaned with ONR
reflection returned

one of the cleaned handles

under the sun
time to clear some water marks
masking... hav the ingredient applied 50/50
50/50 lower part, polished, upper part, none

result after clayed, polish with m205 using lake country polishing pad
i must admit some of the watermark still remained, but i'm sure its ready for some water test
headlamps, clayed using ONR as lubricant, use "yellowish remover"(i forgot the name), m205 n polished, protected with opti-seal

reflection test
my recipe, not to mention i did hav the car opti-sealed and opti-waxed

enjoy the progress, result, from detailing

at night time when rain falls, water beadingsit turn to b crystal?

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